As the summer is quickly passing by, iTalkBB is ready to welcome new classes of students back to school, or particularly those who will be entering college/grad school in US/Canada from China. iTalkBB offers unlimited domestic and international calls at a low price of $24.99/month, which includes a package of nice features such as caller id, call forwarding, voice mail, voice e-mail, and best of all, a
FREE China 400 number that allows your family and friends in China to reach you without long distance charge.To help your back-to-school transition, iTalkBB-Review now offers a new "student discount". Between August 8, 2010 to Sept. 30, 2010, if you subscribe to iTalkBB's Global Unlimited Annual Plan ($299/year) with promotion code "953110+8991095718", you will receive the following triple discount:
- Waiver of activation fee ($29.99)
- $15 instant discount (or $30 instant discount with limited-time code "JZ0901V25+8991095718")
- $25 rebate if you send an email to from a ".edu" email address
To qualify for the $25 rebate, you need to send email to from a ".edu" address (e.g.,, including your name, iTalkBB number, and your mailing address for the rebate check, or paypal account (does not have to be the same email) if you prefer e-payment. Rebate payment will be issued 30 days after your account is activated. Please put "italkbb student discount" in your email title.
Have a happy back-to-school!