For example, Lucky You Letter for 11/07/2010 is "A". If the first name listed in your account information is Adam or Amy, you're qualified!
The Lucky You Letters for 11/27/2010 are "U" and "A".
The Lucky You Letters for 11/28/2010 are "V" and "B".
The Lucky You Letters for 11/29/2010 are "W" and "C".
The Lucky You Letters for 11/30/2010 are "X" and "D".
The Lucky You Letters for 12/01/2010 are "Y" and "E".
The Lucky You Letters for 12/02/2010 are "Z" and "F".
The Lucky You Letters for 12/03/2010 are "A" and "G".
Happy Holidays! LUCKY YOU!