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Sunday, February 17, 2008

iTalkBB Cancellation Policy - Round 2

There is a heated discussion recently on MITBBS, one of the biggest Chinese-in-America forums/BBSs, about iTalkBB. The origin post is from an upset user of iTalkBB who found out that no partial-month service fee was granted after he/she cancelled the service in the middle of the month...

Unfortunately, as I have talked openly in a previous post, iTalkBB does NOT have a really accommodating or flexible cancellation policy: one needs to beware of the early termination charge ($69.99 within the first 12 months), and needs to be sure to return within 7 days the phone adaptor (in original packing) after termination of service. Now we learned that you'd better terminate service at the end of a service month, as your payment to the unused partial month is not refunded according to iTalkBB's term and policy. I hope I can do my part as a promoting dealer to convince iTalkBB's management to change that, though I think it would be much easier said than done.

Meanwhile, here are some advices:
(1) read iTalkBB's term and policy before you subscribe or terminate iTalkBB's service. It is worth noting that iTalkBB's policy isn't any worse comparing to most voip competitors, such as packet8.
(2) Subscribe to the $299 annual plan if possible. Many fees (activation/early termination) are waived for annual plan users.
(3) Use iTalkBB promotion code 953110 when sign up with iTalkBB. Send email to for additional help on billing dispute.

Update: In iTalkBB's recent promotions, you are not subject to the $69.99 early termination fee UNLESS you request additional rebate (details here).


janet said...

We have terrible experience with ITALKBB.

Quality is bad. many days of un-reimbursed interrupted services and they have to mail a new box.

After we canceled service (we prepaid for one year and after one year, the service was cut off and we called them to cancel), ITALKBB blocks all calls from ITALKBB customers to us.

After they tried to get use to use their service again, we turned it down. Then they said the equipment (the small box) need to be returned or we will be charged. We said that when we signed up, the equipment was free. But if they sent us a shipping label, we can mail it back.

Several weeks later, we did not receive the shipping label but a letter from a collection agency saying that we owe ITALKBB $104.98

iTalkBB Deal said...

I am sorry for your loss. If you signed up with iTalkBB using code 953110, please send me an email tell me your iTalkBB number. I can help to get you at least half of the money back.

Unknown said...


I have the same exerperience with YUZHEN,I plan to contact the collection angency ,but I miss the colllection agency's contact information,could you please email me the information?I need it.I appreciate your help.

iTalkBB Deal said...

Hi Zhongtao, if you have used code 953110 when registered with iTalkBB, please send email to including your user name and iTalkBB number. We will assist you in straightening it out.

Anonymous said...

My experience with iTalkBB is almost like a nightmare, in fact I have been trying to cancel my service for the last 6 months, but until today after a unpleasant then turned furious shouting match, my account is finally cancelled.
I signed up for the $299 more than a year and half ago. Initially the sales agent told me I could keep my original home phone number. But after I paid for the 12 month service, they told me that they could not keep my number in my area, I was forced to change my home phone number, because my credit card was already charged, imagin ask money back for any Chinese company would be next to impossible! I was also told that my home security service would function normal with iTalkBB by the customer service, which could not have been more wrong. I use the Brinks system, the tech told me they could try an VOIP adaptor, but they don't work well in most cases. Of course it did not work in my case. When I called to cancel my service, the sales person gave me multiple reasons that for my benifits I better keep using their service,because the charges they would impose on my account would have been a very bad deal for me.
My once year service would end on 7/19/2007, but in June I made a phone call to Poland, for which I had no knowledge that it was not for free, in fact they charge $1.50 a minute. I would never have known it if I had not cancelled the credit card I used when I signed up for the phone service. On July 7, 10 days before the end of my service plan, I found my phone stopped working. When I called iTalkBB, I was told the phone service was suspended because the charge to my credit card did not go through. I was shocked to find out that I owe them $45 for the phone call I made to Poland. They wanted my new credit card number to charge the call and the next year's service. I told them to bill me and send them a check because I did not want to have next year's service, and not want them to have my credit card, because if they did , they would ignore my request for cancellation. The refused to bill me, insist they do not sent out any paper bills, credit card only. And I could not discountinue the service without calling the cancellation number. The customer service agents would not take care of any cancellations. Sure enough when you call cancellation, you are on hold!
I never received any email or bills from iTalkeBB on explainations of charges, recently I got a mail from a collection company that I own $90.55. When I called iTalkBB, I was told the balance on my account is $300, "You are responsible for all the monthly charges from July till now...", Don't forget the service was discontinued before the end of my last 12 month service! When I asked to talk to a supervisor, first I was told that was not possible, then I was told you have to be on hold, then "he will call back". Finally when I talked to the supervisor, I was very frustrated, and told him that I was ready to complain to the Better Business Bureau, then he became much nicer, said that the cancellation department would contact me immediatedly. They did, and told me that I owed $45 for the call charge and $49 for the box,even though the box was for free when I signed up the service. I insisted that I mail a check to them, without providing credit card info, the cancellation agent told me that they would send me an email "within 2 days for the instrucions on where to send the check". It turned out no email for at least 10 days. This morning, when I called them, they told me to go find the address on the website. Then late around 10pm someone at cancellation department called me that I owe them money! I am totally fed up with the false promises, and lousy service from iTalkBB, worse yet, it feels like they delibratedly make it a trap, if you are not careful enough, you get ripped off, and they made it very sweet for you to sign up, once you sign up it was like a nightmare you can't get rid of. I am going to write to the Better Business Bureau in Virginia, their home state and my residing state, and in every possible public way to let others know my very unsetting personal experience, and hope no one else get to be a victim of iTalkBB.
One more aspect I would want to share with you is that if you don't speak Chinese, don't even try the service. No one speaks comprehensible English their, I had to use my limited Chinese Mandrine to contact them, even if I asked for English service, because the "English-speaking" agents speak very little English, they will ask you to speak Chinese, and the supervisor absolutely speaks no English!
Shame, iTalkBB! Their business practice is deceiving, and enfuriating!

Unknown said...

I have terrible experience when I cancell my phone. First, when I called a few weeks early a few times to cancel the phone but was tricked to cancel later.

After I cancelled later for 2 days late, they charged me a whole months for nothing. If I would know, I will not even return the box to them. What's the hell?

Really good customer service but bad company policies. Using the kids to work for them to trick people and make them trust them.

It's so hard to cancel the phone. I think it should be reported to the goverment agency for their scam.

iTalkBB Deal said...

To Scar,

The charge for the additional month as described in your situation would be refunded to you once your adapter was returned. The bill is simply system-generated and CAN be reversed through customer service. In the past, we, as italkbb promoting dealers, have helped readers to the blog in getting their deserved refund. In some cases, we covered (part of) the loss of our customers (who used code 953110) even when their case got denied by iTalkBB. Simply posting comment to the blog or sending emails to with your account information and your situation for our help.

The obscene language you used is totally uncalled-for.

Anonymous said...

ItalkBB is the worst company I have ever seen in telemarking. Their people just keep harassing people without any shame.

Their sales keep calling me all the time with different people from different areas. Sometimes they called me evey single day from different people with different caller IDs. sometimes the same person call me twice daily because they forgot they already called me earier that day, and then called again.

Every time I got their phone call, I told them that I have registed with no call list and ask them to remove my phone number from their calling list. However, they just keep calling me as usual.

So I told the caller their phone calls are harassment and it is against the law. But they ignore my waring and keep calling.

iTalkBB callers are the most shameless people I have ever seen and heard.

I was not a iTalkBB customer and I will never be their customer because I got enough harassment from them. I want to stay away from them as far as possible.

Sometimes, when I talked with my local friends on the phone and the phone line quality was really bad, they told me they are using iTalkBB line.

I want to write my bad experience here to tell people BE CAREFUL with iTalkBB!

Anonymous said...

"I am going to write to the Better Business Bureau in Virginia, their home state and my residing state, and in every possible public way to let others know my very unsetting personal experience, and hope no one else get to be a victim of iTalkBB. "

Please do. I have the same experience. I just can not stop this scam charge my crdit card account for more than a year till I change the credit card number. Now I received the letter from debt collection company for owning them $90 instead. What a shame: even in china, you do not see a company do business with such a sly way.

Anonymous said...

Italk BB's cancellation policy demonstrates a vivid, civilized quality of robbery.

I have been with ItalkBB for several years. it has been a struggling process along the way until recently I finally gave up and decided to cancel the service after being persuaded to stay for months (some customer representitive seemed very nice which was part of reason for my staying long enough)

Today I received the notication of cancellation. the policy which I believe has never been mentioned when I subscribed the service. Now I have to deal it.

Anonymous said...

Well I second all there people iTalkBB is nothing about an abusive predatory company. Right now I'm trying to cancel my service, however I'm having a real hard time. They told me they'll call back, but they haven't yet.

I HATE italkBB

Anonymous said...

iTalkBB is the biggest scam we have ever met! I never contacted them, I do not know where they found phone number, they kept calling my home phone (which is on the National Do-Not-Call Registry) after 9 or 10 PM! Even we told them we do not have any interest on their plan, they just never stop calling us, at night time! It is a huge harassment! How can we stop their behavior?

Anonymous said...

i received five sales calls in one day. when I complained politely in the end, the saleslady said "you are lucky that you've received only five calls." what a shame.

Anonymous said...

Phone service quality is really bad. The very early warning sign is that when you talk to their rep you get an idea how it will be. You get constant echo when you talk to them.
The worst part is "separation". When you read their "separation" clause after you successfully cancel your account, you will be scared. I would've never signed up if I'd had chance to read that.

Anonymous said...

Compared to SunRocket who simply disapeared one day & Vonage the service with italkBB isnt bad. As a student & for the money this is by far the best option. My parents can call me for free & I call them as my part of my plan.

Those who complain should do the math & see you won't get the same services as other providers.

I also don't mind supporting Chinese community group.

Anonymous said...

I am having the hardest time to cancel my phone subscription. I called their number at least 6 times since 9:30 a.m. to try to cancel the subscription. Each time I was transferred to a rep who is supposed to be responsible for phone cancellation. Each time this rep is supposed to be too busy and would call back, but never did. so I called again, with the same experience. The same experience with Cantonese, Mandarin or English line. It is really painful to deal with this company. I will not recommend this company to anyone. Judging from the comments in this forum,my experience with iTalkBB is not unique, but unfortunately common. I think we should all write to the District attorney general to investigate this company. They should be taken out of business.

Anonymous said...

I would never and ever use i talk bb again. It charged me $70 dollars just because the late cancel of the plan, and i didnt use their services at all for those three months. worst phone company ever. every one please dont choose ITALK BB if you can dont want to get trick.

Anonymous said...

This is the worst service provider I had met in US in last 10 years. When they wanted our business, everything was good and easy. After activation, things changed. For cancellation, a lot of extra charges came. Never buy any service from them. The phone quality is poor as well.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I have been using italkbb for a while and this internet is complete trash in my view because is slow as a turtle, it disconnects about 99% during your day and can't even go on facebook until a 1-2 min load on the browser. So please answer my question, why is italkbb is providing a trash service to people around the world when is just cheap and makes their or our life so painful that can't even use the internet properly? why can italkbb still survive as a company? Then that means i can make my own company as well and provide trash internet right?

Anonymous said...

ITALKBB is the terrible. The internet is so bad that I can't even describe it. I highly recommend that you do not use ITALKBB.


How do you rate iTalkBB's call quality?

What do you rate the installation and setup process of iTalkBB?