iTalkBB official site iTalkBB official site

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Survey on iTalkBB feature is about to close

In 16 hours, our poll on the most attractive iTalkBB phone features will close. So far, we have collected 25 responses. Most people chooses iTalkBB because it offers unlimited outbound international call (92%). Second to that is its feature that conveniently supports inbound international calls (e.g., through toll-free number from China) (80%). It's interesting that voice mail is among those deemed least useful (4%), even lower than 3-way call (24%). This might be due to the wide availability of phones that are integrated with answer machine...

We thank everyone who participated in this survey. In three days, our survey on italkbb market share will also close. We have offered $100 rebate award for each participant who signs up new account with iTalkBB before July 4, 2009 using code "953110+8991156825" ($15 discount instantly) and the last digit of his/her iTalkBB number matches the last digit of total votes received by then. Existing users can get $20 rebate award if participate. Details on promotion qualification is available at this post.

Which of the iTalkBB feature(s) do you use/like the most?

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How do you rate iTalkBB's call quality?

What do you rate the installation and setup process of iTalkBB?