Here is what I did:
- I first tried to sign up on-line at However, I found that my area code is not listed in their sign up page. So I called their customer service at 1-877-italkbb (1-877-842-5522) to sign up via phone instead. It turned out that it didn't matter. I could use any area code at the time of sign up.
- Three days later, I received my phone adapter via UPS. Since my broadband Internet was already set up, I simply plugged in the adapter as instructed and connected my regular phone to it. After a couple of minutes, I heard dial tone and the phone was ready to use.
- I followed the example here and filled out the form that was sent to my email from iTalkBB. Using my fax machine that was just connected to the adapter (yes, it supports fax too), I faxed the signed form and the cover page of my last Verizon bill to 512-637-1451.
- Two days later, I received a notification email saying my number transfer request had been submitted. Meanwhile I could log in to my italkBB web account and check the progress at the "DID PORT IN" tab.
- Two weeks later, I received another email notifying my number transfer had completed. The temporary number that I was assigned to at sign-up time became void. I tested my old number. It worked fine.
- I called Verizon to close my old home line.
There are more instructions on number transfer at:
My experience with porting old number is quite different. I was told since Friday that the porting is complete. However, it was busy when calling the old number. When I called customer service, I were told that this is normal. I have to wait 48 hours to get it works. There was no explanation what was wrong.
I don't know how long this will be:(
This is a smart blog. I mean it. You have so much knowledge about this issue, and so much passion. You also know how to make people rally behind it, obviously from the responses. 0457654754
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